Scanning through yesterdays papers like the lush I am I found these little gems from Rino Gattuso in the Sunday Herald.
"When I arrived in Glasgow I thought there only existed one church, the Catholic Church. Pretty quickly I discovered that there were these people called Protestants. It was a bit new.
"One day I arrived in the dressing room and noticed a nice picture of an elegant woman on the wall. Like an imbecile I asked whose saint she was and of course it turned out it was the Queen. The guys in the dressing room just about died laughing at me."
I would wager that they are the only football team in this land mass that ave a picture of the Queen in the dressing room. In fact I would bet my bottom dollar that the English National Team don’t even have a pic of Maggie anywhere to be seen!
Thanks Rino, you’ve given me a good laugh there!
Yours in Celtic