Neil Lennon Death Threats

Last updated : 18 May 2004 By Kevin Smith
Once again the vermin that walk our streets have acted in a cowardly and pathetic way. Abuse aimed at Celtic's Neil Lennon was painted on a road close to the Northern Irishman's home.

The painted messages were named in today's news as 'Death Threats,' but in truth are just a pathetic attempt for some loser with a painbrush to get in the newpaper.

The messages included 'You are a dead man Lennon,' 'UVF,' 'RFC' and 'No Surender ya fenian,' with the laughable spelling mistake on 'surender.'

Hardly stuff to send shivers down your spine, I suppose, but this is just the latest in sectarian attacks on Neil Lennon. A month ago, a Rangers season ticket holder was fined £500 for a road rage incident involving Lennon, who had children in his car at the time. A couple of years ago he was forced to retire from international football after receiving a death threat, supposedly from the LVF.

All this abuse has come about since Lennon signed for Celtic. Yes, he has a fiery attitude on the park and he is a great player to have in your team. But the only reason for this constant hatred is the bigotry and sectarianism which still sadly exists in this country.

Lennon has came public and said he will not give in to the bigots, and I sincerely hope he does not let them drive him away from Celtic. The threats today were likely made by a couple of schoolkids who nicked the yellow paint from their art class. After all, if you're going to kill someone, you don't tell them you are planning it, do you?

You are bigger, stronger and better than the bigots, Neil. Don't let them drive you out of the game.

There's only one Neil Lennon!