Just four days away from the official launch, SPL TV has been thrown into turmoil as both halves of the Old Firm launch a bid to go it alone over any new TV deal.
There is a major panic setting in amongst the other SPL clubs as the big two flex their muscles and look to land a deal of their own, possibly with Sky, that will bring them in a guaranted amount that would probably be much more than any joint SPL - TV venture could muster.
Of course, any deal of this nature would leave the other clubs with virtually no product to sell and the hope of reaching the fabled 200,000 subscribers would be dead in the water before the station had even aired a simgle programme.
It could well be that this is a major bluff on the part of the Old Firm in order to secure a larger part of the income from any joint venture, but it is going to be a very nervous weekend for the rest of the clubs ahead of Monday's scheduled meeting of all the clubs involved in the SPL-TV venture.