Rangers are asking Turkeys to vote for Christmas

Last updated : 07 May 2008 By Magicpole

After much arm twisting, threats, counter threats, claims of a whole world breaking out into spontaneous laughter, Big DJ choking on his Weightwatchers Pies and my neighbours wee goldfish, Silver, dying ,a final, final, no that's it this time, decision has been taken that means Rangers will have to play to the previously agreed timetable.

There are many who will see this as an attempt to derail Rangers chances of euro glory, an example of bureaucracy gone mad, of a lack of solidarity between the nations clubs to support one who have reached a final. And to be honest all of this could be true, but there was no other way. Rangers are asking Turkeys to vote for Christmas and then slagging them off as they lift their forefinger and say gobble, gobble!

We can not expect our club to agree to an extension to allow a team that cannot complete its agreed programme in order to let them win the title and the guaranteed 10million champions League bounty. Does anyone, even DJ think that he would be so up in arms if Celtic were in the same position?….do me a favour? He is breaking my heart with his David Murray verbatim account of the affair. I can assure you that the whole world is not laughing at us, the whole world I'm afraid DJ does not give a toss that your beloved Gers have a tough run in and the rest of us are saying , sod you.

If Celtic win the league you will hear all the nonsense in full as the laptop loyal berate everything in their mourning. If they also lose the Eufa cup this will be used as the excuse, not that Zenit are a far superior team, but that if the mighty Mogadons had the chance to prepare better then the cup would now be esconsed in the Blue Room. This will be amusing to all who are not afflicted by the Blue nose. I fully expect Chick Young to be found on a hillside hanging from his St Mirren scarf with a note confessing it was all a lie, he was a ger after all.

What we cannot afford to do is to lose focus on what we need to do and that is win the last two games. I thought Saturday's performance was dire and we will need to up the ante if this revival is not to be in vain. We have the players to beat Hibs and United, of that there is no doubt, the question is will they perform? If we do it this year it will be one of the sweetest for all the reasons this circus has uncovered, I along with the millions of Tims around the world wait and hope. And if the greeting of DJ et al continue it will be a hilarious summer for us and horrendous time for the rest who thought the league was over. Football is a funny game, but those in it and complaining they cannot change the rules to suit are even funnier.

Hail Hail