Last updated : 21 February 2002 By

The Scottish Football Association, that great bastion of committees, sub committees and freeloaders has, for the first time in living memory, acted speedily in the suspension of a player.

That the player in question happens to be the Celtic centre - back Bobo Balde is surely coincidental?

The SFA, long renowned for it's lethargy and ponderous manner, all of a sudden seems to be able to get it's act together in a prompt manner and one could almost be ready to accuse it of over zealousness.

That Celtic have two extremely important games on the horizon is surely coincidental?

Celtic fans, the whole paranoid mass of them, will be up in arms at the timing of the Balde suspension, and why shouldn't they be? The sacking of the SFA secretary, Jim Farry, several years ago, for deliberately holding up the transfer of Jorge Cadete was the final straw as far as most level minded Celtic fans were concerned. If the SFA were capable of that then who knows what else they would do to disrupt Celtic's inexorable march towards their second Championship in succession.

It is a sad fact that those in charge of Scottish Football should be regarded in such a fashion by the Celtic support, but history shows that the governing body is no friend of Celtic - from the antics of Sir George Graham in the post war period through to the shenanigans of the Farry era, they have learned that decions will more than often go against them. Once aggin it has been proven so.