Gordon Smith has today stated that the SFA will come down hard on players who simulate or attempt to con the referee, starting next season! In a blatant and successful attempt to comment on the incident without actually saying anything thus ticking the boxes that his remit requires Smith has said that cheats will be punished from next season.
Smith said: "Simulation in the game is something we are determined to stamp out.
"From next season we'll be introducing a system that will allow us to retrospectively punish instances of simulation when the evidence allows us to do so.
"We have led the way on this issue.
"It was the SFA that raised that matter at the recent International Football Association Board meeting.
"We've been monitoring instances of simulation this season and we will be adjusting our disciplinary procedures for next season to enable action to be taken against blatant acts of simulation."
Smith refused to comment directly on Saturday's shameful scenes as Kevin Thomson clearly dived to attempt to con the referee into awarding him a foul. One wonders why Smith has declined to comment on such a matter given his previous in decrying cheats.
The SFA boss publicly named and shamed the Hearts player Mikolunis after the player dived in a recent match against Scotland, so why hasn't the Prince Phillip of Scottish football seen fit to publicly dismiss Thomsons actions? The only explanation could be that Smith cant comment for legal reasons but given the fact that no action is to be taken against Smith then surely he hasn't been censured in any way? So what is different between the two instances? Is it only news worthy when it is against the National team Gordon and not your own team?
Meanwhile Cheat Thomson continues to stick to his story that he was seriously injured and that Artur Boruc "lacked class" for chewing him out as he lay prone on the ground. We only have this to ask you Kev, if you were so badly injured, how could you possibly have driven home after the match and then went out to a friends party on Saturday night?
I will tell you why, because you are a cheat!
Yours in Celtic