As the sun rises in what will be a fantastic day of gloating for the chosen people of Timdom it would appear that Artur Boruc showing his appreciation for Pope John Paul II who was born in the same town as Artur has got some of the hordes of Hades foaming even more at the mouth.
Artur proudly sported a T-Shirt at the end of the match with a picture of the former pontiff and was reported by many of the legions of doom to the Local Constabulary. The irony in the cries of "he is only doing that to wind us up" was obviously lost on the many Rangers fans who decided to vent their spleen at the Keeper. I find it remarkably amusing that a member of a support who carry balloons to an away venue with a picture of Jock Stein and the legend "I knew" thereon in an attempt to "wind up" opposition fans can be so annoyed when someone returns the favour. Whilst I do not entirely agree with Artur's decision to do this, I respect his right to do so. The only bigotry in this issue was the response not the action.
On the subject of balloons with balloons, I hope that Mr Lawwell raises this issue with the SPL hierarchy and also with Rangers directly, with the permission of Steins family of course. This odious practice continues and I for one hope that the Chief Executive takes action on this matter as he promised earlier in the season.
I still find it strange that supporters who are prepared to go to such extreme lengths are offended by a picture of a late Polish Pope. They must still be upset after a Celtic player allegedly consumed their dogs! Confused souls these so called' people'.
As I glanced through the poisoned pages of the Daily Record this morning (to see how much pain and suffering the hacks were enduring you understand) I was amazed to read Keith Jingle Jacksons descriptions of the Rangers players and the match in general. His lexicon of hyperbolic adjectives he has to describe his zeroes is as unparalleled as his lack of a similar vocabulary when describing Celtic players. Words of worship such as "cornerstone" when referring to Weir, "a one man bulldozer" describes Daniel Cousin's performance against "Celtic's creaky defence" I feel your pain Keech!
Yours in Celtic